Monday, November 12, 2007

Seattle/Tacoma - #1 Consumser of Coffee in the Nation

According to a new survey by HealthSaver
These are the most caffeinated cities when you take into consideration all caffeinated products

Most Caffeinated Cities:
1. Chicago
2. Tampa
3. Miami
4. Phoenix
5. Atlanta

Least Caffeinated Cities:
1. San Francisco/Oakland
2. Philadelphia
3. New York
4. Detroit
5. Baltimore

If you just look at coffee alone, the Seattle/Tacoma area tops as the number one coffee consumer in the nation, followed by Boston & Houston.

Most Coffee Consumption, Regular coffee & specialty coffee drinks:
1. Seattle/Tacoma
2. Boston
3. Houston
4. Chicago
5. Miami

From NeedCoffee & HealthSaver

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