Thursday, May 1, 2008

How is the market you ask...

I get this question many times a week, " Pretty scary market right now, how are you doing?" Well, I say fantastic! And folks, this is with an exclamation mark. True our Seattle real esate market, is not going gangbusters as it was a few years ago. And yes, December & January were painful. Quite painful. Once February came around, our market started picking up. Multiple offers started rearing their ugly heads again, and as the months have moved into spring, I am hearing of more and more buyers that are missing out on houses as they've sat on the fence too long.
The fact is, is that interests rates couldn't be better and today is the best time to buy. What about selling, you ask. You will be selling at a price below what you would have hoped for, say 2 years ago. BUT, you are buying at a discounted price. You see, its a wash.
So, lets talk weather. In the morning, before you get dressed do you look at the national weather, in New York or Chicago to help you decide what you should wear? No! You are turning your channel to King 5 or Komo to see what the days outlook is. This is just the case with real estate. Yes, the National market is in the dumps. But the Seattle market is far from being in the dumps and, interests rates are low, low, low, and TODA Y is a great time to buy and sell.If you want to study the market in your neighborhood, give me a call or you can email me. I can sign you up for a Market Snapshot that will be emailed to you once a month. This snapshot is awesome. It compiles data straight from the MLS, and gets you recent solds and active homes on the market.

Heather Bakstad
206-851-5857 - Cell - email

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