Saturday, February 9, 2008

My community

I found something as I approached Madison Middle School today (going to the caucus)  that I have been looking for since I moved to the city, from Vashon Island four years ago.  I found my community.  All sorts of people walked the streets heading toward the school.  Mom's with kids in tow, couples walking hand in hand, singlets, young and old,  all like myself walking with a different stride.  A stride full of meaning, a stride of coming together and speaking our minds.  My throat got a little tight as I got closer and I had to take in a deep breath to keep back my tears.  I felt overwhelmed.  There were people coming from all directions and I felt as if we were going to what I imagined being an Old time town hall meeting.  I felt so excited as I entered and found in the sea of people, my neighbors that I knew.  I even got to meet the neighbors I didn't know.  We were all asking each other where one another lived, and suddenly I felt the largeness that I often feel in the city dissipate.  I felt the small town of West Seattle today, and my heart was really touched!!

Heather Bakstad
Keller Williams

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Thanks for your post, Heather. That's what I love about West Seattle, too.